A captivating keynote speaker and international consultant, Karen Rae is the founder of Wisdom Culture Consulting - a leading edge company that designs unique leadership experiences and life changing Quests that inspire both personal and social change. She has a special gift for empowering individuals to live their highest potential. She draws upon the Wisdom Teachings of many ancient traditions, and has worked with tribal elders and spiritual teachers from Celtic, Native American, African, Tibetan and Indian traditions.
Through her many travels and exposure to different cultures Karen Rae has gathered a great deal of insight on the global issues and challenges we are presently facing for creating a sustainable and equitable world.
Her “ancient wisdom for modern times” in combination with her warm, humorous and adventuresome spirit give her a special talent for working with the “Indigo Generation “ – the young artists, entrepreneurs and eco-leaders for the coming times.
"Karen Rae graced our annual conference at
the Fairmont hotel in San Francisco in the fall of 1999, where she
performed, and contributed innovative and original material on a panel with
other distinguished authors and scientists such as Deepak Chopra, Marianne
Williamson and Rupert Sheldrake from England. In this context she was
recognized not only for her original music compositions but also for her
intellectual contributions to discussions about new and old paradigms of
thought that support the healthy development of the planet and it’s people."
~ Ms. Sara Nelson
New Paradigm Initiatives Project
Leadership and speaking credits include:
◊ Serving on the British Columbia Steering Committee for the United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing
◊ Founding ‘Spirit in Action,’ a national organization to increase the participation of Canadian women in art, culture and media in the Beijing event.
◊ Giving numerous radio and newspaper interviews both locally and internationally on the global issues raised by the UN agenda.
◊ Being voted Woman of the Week on Women’s Viva Radio, London England.
◊ Speaking at the University of the Pacific, California - guest presentation for the Graduate Education Department, Stockton, CA.
◊ Serving on an International Council for Youth with other ‘wisdom keepers’ and indigenous elders in Atlanta, GA.
◊ The Spirit of Zambia Project in Africa where she was invited as a special guest of the President of Zambia to discuss how art and creativity could be a bridge to global unity and environmental awareness in the world.
◊ Working with First Nations tribal people in Vancouver, Canada and representatives from the Yawanawa Rain forest Tribe of Brazil.
"Many people are longing for a sense of hope, meaning and
connection amidst the current upheaval and uncertainty of our times. We
need to feel that we are not alone...to be in touch with the sacredness
and preciousness of life...to know that we are intrinsically part of the
Human Family. "