Are you a visionary or a change maker who is feeling a call to a higher purpose?
Become part of a global network of eco-leaders, artists, activists, healers and social entrepreneurs who are consciously creating a better world.
Open to your personal guidance and create the balance and poise that leads to grounded, courageous action. Take the next step by joining…

California Bay Area and Vancouver group information
Wisdom Culture Consulting is designed to help you to stretch and expand your beliefs and concepts of who you are. Expect to discover more about what is possible for you and the world – how you fit in – what you came to contribute.
"Fear not the darkness
Walk into it as bright light
It is nothing more than your opportunity to shine."
~ Liz Monteith

Some of the things you will learn in the VISIONARY LEADERS coaching program:
◊ CREATIVE GENIUS and “outside the box thinking.” You will build confidence and clarity through your unique style of thinking and creating. Explore the possibility of SELF-INITIATING vs. plugging into existing structures.
◊ Leading-edge VISION and DESIGN strategies that include Eco-Values Social ENTREPRENEURSHIP and building Social Capital in the community.
◊ Fulfillment & Success...Expand your inner values to align your outer circumstances…Understand what sustains the soul and the personality over time.
"I believe that this is a unique time on Earth which therefore requires a completely new level of vision for the planet and our individual lives. By combining the value and honour of indigenous cultures and teachings with Western education, understanding, technology and resources, we can make a vast difference. There has never been a better time!"
Some of the results you can expect:
◊ A dynamic shift and personal transformation in the way you see yourself, the world and your role in the community.
◊ A deep sense of clarity about your life purpose and work – how to actualize your visions and desires in the world.
◊ Greatly increased creative output and expression in a unique way that reflects your own essence.
◊ Tapping into heart-knowledge and the universal pool of stillness as a source of right action.
◊ An authentic presence, with integrity, truth and nobility as a path to empowerment and ease.
"As a result of working with Karen Rae, I was chosen to represent Canada at the State of the World Forum in New York City, Sept. 2000, as one of 16 international young leaders to meet with Presidents, Heads of State and global change makers from around the world. Karen Rae was instrumental in providing leadership to both myself and other members of the council, resulting in us leading the closing ceremonies for the entire conference as well as developing important global connections which continue to shape my life’s work."
~ Starr Muranko,
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