What people are saying about Karen Rae...
"Karen has had a significant impact on my ability to transition from a
marketing research centered career to a more cause oriented career in
the NGO sector. She provided me with the tools needed to recognize my
vision and make it happen. Importantly, she has been more than a guide,
but also friend. I always looked forward to our sessions and plan to
keep up my work in the future."
B.B., Marketing Consultant
"Karen Rae offers both practical and spiritual guidance to those with whom she works and the results, from what I’ve seen have been extremely beneficial. She is truly an amazingly gifted person with a mission toward helping build sustainable communities and furthering the potential of all those involved."
~ Thomas
Nelson, Ph.D. Dept. of Education,
Ph.D. Program, University of the Pacific
"As a consultant, Ms. Wilson is uniquely capable of motivating people to work at their highest capacity. Her insights and techniques have informed my own work in many ways. She is an international-level consultant – I have met no one in the global arena that comes close to her skill level. She is a tremendous and irreplaceable asset to my company and me."
~ R. Foster
"Karen Rae graced our annual conference at the Fairmont hotel in San Francisco in the fall of 1999, where she performed, and contributed innovative and original material on a panel with other distinguished authors and scientists such as Deepak Chopra, Mariannne Willamson and Rupert Sheldrake from England. In this context she was recognized not only for her original music compositions but also for her intellectual contributions to discussions about new and old paradigms of thought that support the healthy development of the planet and it’s people."
~ Ms. Sara Nelson
New Paradigm Initiatives Project
"As a result of working with Karen Rae, I was chosen to represent Canada at the State of the World Forum in New York City, Sept. 2000 - one of 16 international young leaders to meet with Presidents, Heads of State and global change makers from around the world. Karen Rae was instrumental in providing leadership to both myself and other members of the council, resulting in us leading the closing ceremonies for the entire conference as well as developing important global connections which continue to shape my life’s work."
~ Starr Muranko, STARCHILDREN Productions
"Karen Rae helps you find the place within where you KNOW your own 'Calling,' the part of you that is Pure. She offers you insights that assist in moving you in the direction of doing what brings you joy, opportunity, and abundance."
~ Ginger Harness, Artist
"Karen Rae ~~ Thank you for your unconditional love and support. You have truly been one of the most catalytic visioneers I've met that deeply engaged my authentic self into my conscious awareness. Thank you for your blessings for our Project - which is really our collective Project... in the Media form."
~ A. B., Executive Director, One Earth Radio
"Since our meeting, I have been completely devoid of fear. I no longer have fear about the future but more importantly, I feel very resolved about the past. I feel a certain warmth when I close my eyes and just breathe. It is a feeling that I am surrounded by everything and I can feel everything around me. I guess the word is serene. Overall, I feel much more powerful, calm and in control than I did before I was lucky enough to encounter you."
~ Alex