What happens when an individual or a leading edge organization comes together with a creative catalyst and leadership consultant
like Karen Rae Wilson?
What is a Quest?
A sacred adventure - in ancient times a quest was an expectation for a knight to go about accomplishing a prescribed task. What if today’s quest was about creating global peace and unity in your lifetime? What if today’s quest was to see how you and your giftedness and creativity intersect with creating a better world?

The Quest offers an opportunity to bring more passion and purpose into your world. You will begin to clarify your vision and manifest your desires. The quest process creates a catalytic container for your unfolding development. You will discover what is unique about your LIFE PATH BLUEPRINT. In the Quest you will be guided to re – write the story of your life…the one you want to create!

Through the Quest
process you will learn how right timing, refinement and aligning with
Spirit can unfold your destiny in a miraculous way. You will begin to source
a deeper sense of clarity and wisdom in your personal journey.
Clients who commit to the process experience a dynamic shift in their growth and creativity and the direct manifestation of their work and art in the world. My clients have included teachers, artists, executives, activists, young leaders, ministers, monks, entrepreneurs and social workers, as well as renowned authors.
The sacred quest is a journey in consciousness. It is a commitment to opening a new state of mind and heart...one that offers more personal freedom, imagination, and liberation of spirit...an experience of authentic presence, increased creativity, well being and a sense of your connection to the greater universe.
In this training you will be addressing your own unique gifts and talents as well as the themes of your personal myth...your strengths and weaknesses, your joys and sorrows, your challenges and your dreams.
When possible we will take the opportunity to travel in order to create ceremony and rituals in beautiful, sacred places in nature.
"I work genius-to-genius with my clients to support what is unique in their vision, be it as an individual or as an organization. This creates a whole new dynamic of success and authenticity - working on a soul level naturally leads to a desire to make a difference in the world."
Some things to expect and what you will discover in the Wisdom Culture Questing process:
◊ NEW DIRECTIONS – discover where Spirit is leading YOU now.
◊ More RISK, HUMOR and MAGIC in your life
◊ The 'DYNAMICS OF VISION'...how to understand and navigate predictable junctures, initiations and openings as well as challenges and setbacks along the path.
◊ The mechanisms of QUANTUM FIELD CREATION – how synchronicity, sustainability, prosperity, fulfillment, and contribution go hand in hand.
◊ An increased sense of personal GUIDANCE and direction….a deeper sense of clarity and an expanded INTUITIVE way of knowing.
◊ A re-connection with NATURE, the power of the Earth, and heart-knowing
◊ ANCESTRAL HEALING – discover how working with your ANCESTORS and beginning to understand your family and your ancestral lineage is connected to your success in a very real and practical sense in the world.
◊ The power of CEREMONY – Karen Rae will lead you into the experience of how ritual, story, ceremony and the beauty of the Earth can open your path.
◊ Greatly increased CREATIVE output and expression in a unique way that reflects your essence.
◊ A sense of being the right person in the right place doing the right thing at the right time.
◊ Many of my clients double their income, and many become leaders and facilitators in their field of expertise
"Working with Karen Rae is like having a direct contact with the Voice of the Ancestors. She has a remarkable gift for honing in on your divine blueprint. Karen Rae has an amazing way of hooking you up to the spirit world while initiating practical advice for the success of your business and career at the same time!"
~ Lara H.
How does this training differ from other types of leadership work?
Wisdom Culture Quests are cross cultural and draw on the wisdom teachings of many ancient traditions, as well as making use of the technology and resources of our modern world. A Quest implies a sacred journey, an invitation to a higher experience of life dynamics and adventure.
As an initiatory process, the Quest works from the inside out so that goals and values spring from your authentic presence rather than from images constantly being bombarded from the outside world. Some Quests takes place over a period of time (average 1 - 3 months) and some are designed as shorter get-aways (2-5 days).
It is recommended that an individual expect to participate in two Quests, as the transformation that is set in motion may need support over a longer time frame. Many people continue the process for a year or longer depending on their unique life path and desire for personal liberation and creative empowerment.
Can I be in Another City or country and still participate?
Yes, as long as you can work by phone and Internet on a regular basis and be prepared to travel occasionally to on-site quest locations.
How much does it cost?
Please follow this link for Quest format, options and rates