"When you know who you are and how your essential gifts and talents contribute to the community at large you become a natural leader of love and inspiration in this world."
~ K.R.W.
Perhaps you are in the midst of a career shift or feeling the call to change and take action on a dream that you have always had on the back burner?
I have been gifted with the intuition and ability to see more deeply into your blueprint and to help you clearly formulate what steps you can take on a daily basis to begin to help your vision emerge.
In a sense, after I have spoken with you for a while and asked you some questions I begin to see pictures and images of a design for your success through which your creative genius can unfold.
It is an exciting co-creational process of helping you articulate and give life to the things that are most natural and valuable about who you are.
Some of the results you can expect from a private session:
- A deeper sense of clarity about your life purpose and what is unique about your work and talents in the world.
- Practical strategies and guidance on how to actualize your work in today's changing marketplace.
- A dynamic shift in what you see is possible for your life.
- A sense of being excited, on track and contributing to your community and personal success.
Many of my clients triple their income; others publish successful books or develop and launch entirely new business structures that establish them as leaders in their world.
$225 Individual private session (by phone or in person): The first session is a 90-minute session with Karen Rae to begin to jumpstart a new level of clarity and inspiration in your life. This is a co-creative and interactive process that begins to open a whole new dynamic of vision for you regarding your purpose and giftedness in the world.
"As a consultant, Ms. Wilson is uniquely capable of motivating people to work at their highest capacity. Her insights and techniques have informed my own work in many ways. She is an international-level consultant – I have met no one in the global arena that comes close to her skill level. She is a tremendous and irreplaceable asset to my company and me."
~ R. Foster
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